The immune system depends on methylation to help protect the body from infections and acute inflammation. DNA methylation influences the expression of genes which controls which pathways are activated or shut down.
Methyl groups cover DNA to protect it from free radical damage and aging.

Methylation is one way that the body protects itself from toxic substances, especially in the liver. Behaviour Balance DMGīesides being involved in the synthesis of bioactive molecules, methylation contributes to a wide range of bodily functions including. Energy production / Immune function / Detoxification. Repairing and building of DNA / Brain activity and mood balancing. Inflammatory response / Neurological function. Production of key hormones and neurotransmitters.Ī deficiency of methyl groups can lead to the development of health problems in the body. It is a versatile nutrient that supports overall wellness and everyday health in people of all ages, genders and activity levels. As an immune system modulator, DMG supports circulation, oxygen utilisation, brain health, cardiovascular wellness, joint comfort and hydration and much more. Behavior Balance DMG supports neurological health, socialisation skills, stress coping mechanisms and immune health. 40 years on, it remains a source of pride and comprehensive health support for FoodScience employees.ĭimethylglycine is an amino acid derivative and a methyl donor that supports the body's metabolic processes. It was one of FoodScience Corporation's first. Our bodies produce this vital nutrient naturally, but in a world of high stress and heavy demand we don't produce adequate amounts of DMG. DMG is what's known as a flagship product.
“From the perspective of the participants, there appears to be an urgent need for multidisciplinary professional services that adequately addresses aggression in individuals with ASD across the life span.N,N-Dimethylglycine or DMG is a natural amino acid that plays a critical role in supporting health, vitality and wellness in the body. “It is important to note that there were many similarities in families’ experiences despite much diversity in child and family characteristics, such as child age and type of aggressive behavior,” the researchers wrote. The study authors from the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary said they hope that the findings will offer insight into the type of resources families need. One family was actually kicked out of a home-based program for individuals with autism because of the boy’s aggression, with officials concluding that the environment was not “safe or productive.”

While generally speaking families were happy with the care their child received for core symptoms of autism, most said professionals offered only limited knowledge and assistance for dealing with aggression either through medication or behavior supports. Parents described an “unbearable” level of exhaustion, with at least one mother comparing her situation to being in “jail for life.” Their findings suggest that there’s far too little support for individuals with aggressive tendencies and those affected by them. Though the study was small, researchers behind the report emphasized that little has been done to understand the daily experiences of families coping with autism and aggression. What’s more, the families were concerned about being able to find alternate housing for their child with autism as they aged, according to the study published online this month in the journal Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. Overall, researchers found that families dealing with aggressive behavior struggled with social isolation, concerns about the safety of people and property, lack of respite care and limited professional supports as well as the added expense of repairs and home modifications.